Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) belongs to the daisy family. It is also known by the name of coughworth, bull's foot, assfoot, and farfara. athe coltsfoot plant has bright yellow flowers (which are beautiful) and has scaly stalks. The flowers have a sweet honey tast. The flower blooms first and then the leaves develop.

The flowers and the stalks of the clotsfoot are edible. The plant grows in damp and warm conditions therefore it is normally found in waste land, in waterlogged places. All the parts of the plant, like the leaves, the roots, and the flower can be used. This plant spreads by rhizomes and seeds.

The clotsfoot flowers, which superficially resemble dandelions, appear in early spring before dandelions appear. The clotsfoot leaves, which resemble a colt's foot in cross section, do not appear usually until after the seeds are set. Thus, the flowers appear on stems with no apparent leaves, and the later appearing leaves then wither and die during the season without seeming to set flowers. The plant is typically 10–30 cm in height. The leaves have angular teeth on their margins.


Coltsfoot is widespread across Europe, Asia, and North Africa, from Svalbard to Morocco to China and the Russian Far East. It is also a common plant in North America and South America where it has been introduced, most likely by settlers as a medicinal item.

Medicinal Benefits

For thousands of years coltsfoot has been mixed with various formulations and used as herbal remedies. For cough and other breathing problems oral preparation of coltsfoot was made. The herb contains mucilage, tannnis and bitter glycosides which give the herb its anti inflammatory property and thus cures coughing.

Both the western and the Chinese traditional herbalists suggest coltsfoot for treating cough. It cures chronic cough such as emphysema or silicosis. It has been used to cure diarrhea and slow metabolism. It also acts as a blood purifier and diuretic. The roots of the coltsfoot contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Coltsfoot has the property of curing respiratory problems. It also has the capacity to cure asthma, laryngitis, headaches and nose blockage. The flower of coltsfoot is used to cure skin infections and diseases like sores, eczema, inflammations and ulcers. The leaves of the coltsfoot contain zinc which is useful as an anti-inflammatory or even as an expectorant. Coltsfoot acts as an astringent. It also softens inflamed and irritated bowels making the intestine health.

Methods of Use

Coltsfoot is often smoked by blending it with other herbs to treat coughs and chest problems. The flowers, leaves and even the buds of this plant can be used for smoking. The tincture that is prepared with this particular plant should be taken in a limited dosage of 1m, twice a day for healthy lungs.

A special decongestive type of syrup can also be prepared from this pant. For the preparation of this syrup, ingredients like honey, marshmallow root, licorice, balsam shoot, ground ivy and water is added. The intake of this syrup helps to improve the condition of lungs.


The flavonoids present in coltsfoot possess anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties that help in providing relief from convulsions in the lungs in patients suffering from asthma and bronchitis attacks, thereby facilitating breathing. The polysaccharides present in the herb possess anti-inflammatory attributes that aid in relaxing the aggravated tissues of the lungs. In addition, the polysaccharides also work in the form of an expectorant and help to force out any surplus phlegm and mucous. Working in concert, flavonoids and polysaccharides present in coltsfoot enhance the immune system as well as encourage a vigorous respiratory system. While the pyrrolizidine alkaloids are believed to be toxic for the liver, by and large, they are obliterated when boiled to prepare a decoction.

Side Effects

The overuse of coltsfoot has reported to cause hepatic veno-occlusive diseases. The reason of this disorder is the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in coltsfoot. Therefore it is recommended that liver patients should avoid it. It should also be completely avoided by pregnant ladies and nursing mothers.

Where to buy Coltsfoot?

Coltsfoot is available on Amazon, and eBay. You can always find great deals on these sites.

1 comment:

  1. This plant has appeared in our garden, its very invasive, tried to pull it up but keeps re-appeearing, its roots are very deep and tough.
